Monday, May 20, 2013

So the Harrisons aren't exactly happy that I'm pregnant... I cried about it because they chewed George out and hiding it from the press is extremely hard too. Why did I even have to get pregnant? *sniffle**sigh* but whatever. We'll make it.
Your's Truly,

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Good morning loves! The Harrison's are are relatively happy that I'm pregnant! Not as happy as Mum and Dad were but they're happy :3
Your's Truly,

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I'm thinking about seeing Twiggy soon..

That model with the gap in her teeth :B

Good afternoon everyone!! I'm having dinner with the Harrison's tonight and Geo and I are going to inform them that they are going to be grandparents! We told my Mum and Dad at lunch today and they're more than thrilled!! I can't wait to tell Georgie's parents and I hope they're as excited as we all are (my family, George, and I) but I'm a bit nervous, I have no idea how they'll take this information... But I'm sure if they aren't happy we can find a way to cheer them up!! So you later loves!!
Your's Truly,